Nov 122012
Collected and dried amaranth seed.



You have landed on Day 1 in this 3-day series of videos depicting  amaranth seed collecting.  Enjoy!


First a video  re “Amaranth Seed Collecting”.   Today’s video is part 1 of 3 (1/day) for the series!   THEN some amaranth pics (below the video):


Amaranth Seed Collecting 1 of 3 videos

Amaranth in Tony’s Garden (pics):


Amaranth plant (Amaranthus sp. L.)

Amaranth plant (Amaranthus sp. L.) can grow to 8 feet tall. A stunning plant in the garden, adding color and critter habitat AND a food source for the gardener.


Collecting seed AND giving insects/spiders time to escape.

Collecting seed AND giving insects/spiders time to escape.


Collected and dried amaranth seed.

Collected and dried amaranth seed with dried flowers and leaves. The seeds are yet to be separated out of the dried plant.


Amaranth on the web:

Found this site, for some concise info:

amaranth from






Amaranth leaves and grain can be eaten; see The Dinner Garden for cooking instructions:

Amaranth plant by The Dinner Garden,






Happy seed collecting and see you tomorrow.



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