Feb 172010

Previously posted on the Spore Lore Forum:

Hi sporelore,

I have an area of ivy in my backyard that is mostly shaded and I want to replace it with some not-as-invasive plantings that will still provide cover for critters. How should I go about doing that in a way that will cause the least disruption to all of the local fauna and do you have any ideas about plants that would be helpful to the critter tenants?

Thanks so much for your help,

Sounds great about replacing the ivy.
Some questions so I can recommend plants, get a feel for the garden:
Where do you live?
What’s the moisture content like? For instance, is the area under tall trees, surrounded by greenery, or bordered by asphalt?

Thanx. I look forward to getting you an answer. Sorry I took so long to get back.

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