You have landed on Day 5 in this 5-day series of videos depicting propagation of tree collard cuttings. Enjoy!
First a video re “Collard Propagation”. Today’s video is part 5 of 5 (1/day) for the series! THEN some tree collard pics (below the video):
Tree Collard Propagation — 5 of 5 videos
Young Tree Collard Starts (pics):

2 month old tree collard cutting growing on Dragon Spine Ridge. The specimen of focus here is the collard plant on the right. I pulled it up to inspect the root growth (to show YOU!), dug the roots back into the soil, and pruned off its top. Pruning off the top was advised (by me) because the inspection most likely destroyed some root mass. Less root mass, THEN less foliage will be supported. I also wanted to top off the young plant to encourage it to branch out lower rather than higher. See the next two pics.

2-month old roots of the young tree collard start. Good healthy soil, good healthy root growth. A good day!

Young Tree Collard is back on its feet, a rock to help it hunker into the ground after my rude root inspection.
Happy collard propagation and see you tomorrow.