Feb 042013
Close-up of nearly removed apricot tree and its rootball.

Time to remove the apricot tree, Grandpa’s Apricot Tree, in our back garden.  Almost no fruit in at least 6 years.  Seasons, soil, water, and our hungry food-producing mindsets will wait no longer!  Time to nurture another tree.  We will plant a Santa Rosa plum tree, who’s namesake is the next town over from our sunny California garden.


Almost!  I almost got the entire apricot rootball out before coming to my senses.  Yes, I like to create an animal habitat EVERY time I dig into the soil.  But, I thought I would shortcut that vision because so many parts of the garden call for my attention.  (Truth be told, the garden would do very well without my meddling.)  Then, with ¾’s of the root ball removed and even less breath in my lungs, I came to my senses. 


Yes!, this is a habitat.  I can stop right here.  This rootwad DOES NOT have to be completely removed from the bed.  The Santa Rosa plum can be planted next to the almost-removed rootball of Grandpa’s Apricot Tree.  My exhausted muscles can think of many reasons why to keep the leaned over, buried tree trunk.  Watch today’s video and the next 2 to come to find out why!


Habitat it and they will come!


20130130 Grandpa’s Apricot Root Worlds Fair 1 of 3


20130130 Grandpa’s Apricot Root Worlds Fair (pics):

The apricot tree was pruned to make removal easier.The apricot tree was pruned to make removal easier.  Note the old grafting sites (with yellow grafting sealer); even new stock would not produce fruit.  A shame – the tree growth was vigorous with beautiful structure and wood/bark.


A tree is down!  Repeat, a tree is down!A tree is down!  Repeat, a tree is down!  After cutting some roots with a shovel, and bronco-riding the tree, other roots snapped and the tree was rendered a soil dweller.


Close-up of nearly removed apricot tree and its rootball.Close-up of nearly removed apricot tree and its rootball.  This is where, when I discovered that the tree need not be completely removed, that the soil-rich rootball makes a fantastic garden animal habitat.


Enjoy your habitat thinking-out-of-the-box creations.  Nothin is debris in a habitat garden food forest!


Jan 172013
Insect Eggs on Pine Needle.

Pine Brush Pile is a  Zone 4 or 5 (Permaculture) habitat oasis in Tony’s back yard.  Great place to resource this year’s Xmas tree.

 20130114 Pine Brush Pile (video):


Pine Brush Pile (pics in Tony’s book):

Insect Eggs on Pine Needle.Figure B.4 Insect Eggs on Pine Needle. [The picture has two parts: the background is from a distance and an insert is the close-up of the eggs. See post below for the close-up.]



Close-up of Insect Eggs on Pine Needle.  Figure B.4 Insect Eggs on Pine Needle.  The insect eggs shown are probably true bug eggs.  True bugs, order Hemiptera, are insects like cicadas, stink bugs, planthoppers, leafhoppers, shield bugs, aphids, and others.  All bugs are insects, but not all insects are bugs!   True bug eggs often have the visible “escape hatch” (the circular disc on the top of each egg), which is visible in the inset photo close-up view.   I particularly love the outer texture to the egg wall — looks like lime bumps on an orange.



Pine Brush Pile (pics from Tony’s garden):

Nest-building supplies made available for birds.Nest-building supplies made available for birds.  Lots of birds come and go in Pine Brush Pile thicket, some looking to build nests.  Yarn, string, and hair is left to help them color coordinate and insulate their nests.  Always fun to discover “foreign” articles in a bird nest.


Ground view of Pine Brush Pile from Snake Shores.Ground view of Pine Brush Pile from Snake Shores.  Perhaps a snake will slither down from the thick, warm slate of Snake Shores.  It can enter Mayan Totem Seat, the 18-inch-deep stack of slate AND spacers in the foreground, or go beyond, into the coolness and food-rich jungle of Pine Brush Pile.


Pine log, shaped to maximize thicket-building.Pine log, shaped to maximize thicket-building.   The branch stubs left on this log will keep the log off the ground and from snugging up to other logs.  More space between logs means…[who knows but Habitat It and They Will Come!].  See next pic for the placement of this log in Pine Brush Pile.

Nobody but us pine logs here!Pine logs and branches in Pine Brush Pile.  Helter skelter never looked so good!


Enjoy your habitat thicket creations.  Nothin is debris in a habitat garden food forest!




Dec 072012
Watering with finer spout holes.

First a video re “Bucket Watering Can DIY 4 of 4”, then some pics of the project (below the video):

Bucket Watering Can DIY 4 of 4 (video):

From the project (pics):


New and Improved watering can (model 000000000000000002) has smaller holes.  New and Improved watering can (model 000000000000000002) has smaller holes.  A smaller spout stream helps distribute the water more evenly and is less harsh on bare soil and fragile seedlings.


A look inside the watering can ready for application.A look inside the watering can ready for application.  Note the floating food particles that would clog up the spout to an ordinary watering can.  THIS is no ordinary watering can!


Watering with finer spout holes.Watering with finer spout holes.   Mission accomplished – the new watering streams are less sloppy than the larger-holed watering can.



Happy DIY projects for your Habitat Food Forest.  See you tomorrow.


Dec 072012
Watering the garden with our new watering can.

First a video re “Bucket Watering Can DIY 3 of 4”, then some pics of the project (below the video):

Bucket Watering Can DIY 3 of 4 (video):

From the project (pics):

Filling the watering can with dishwater (blackwater).Filling the watering can with dishwater (blackwater).   Check out that water!  It’s a mix of soapy water, food particles from our dishes, and pasta drain-off water.  Here microbes, come and get it!


Diluting the dishwater with fresh water.Diluting the dishwater with fresh water.  We’ll get more coverage in the garden by adding fresh water to the nutrient “concentration”.


Watering the garden with our new watering can.Watering the garden with our new watering can.  Note the use of the fill hole as handle grip.  It works!  And, easy to clean.


Happy DIY projects for your Habitat Food Forest.  See you tomorrow.


Dec 072012
Cutting a fill hole in the bucket’s lid.

First a video re “Bucket Watering Can DIY 2of 4”, then some pics of the project (below the video):

Bucket Watering Can DIY 2 of 4 (video):

From the project (pics):

Cutting a fill hole in the bucket’s lid.Cutting a fill hole in the bucket’s lid.  The large hole allows filling the watering can easily AND can be used as a non-moving grip while watering garden.


Finding center opposite the watering can’s grip (the fill hole).Finding center opposite the watering can’s grip (the fill hole).  The bucket was then flipped 180 degrees to locate the center of the holes to be drilled.


Spout holes are drilled to both the right and left of the center mark hole.Spout holes are drilled to both the right and left of the center mark hole.  The more holes, the wider the watering row-of-streams will be.


Happy DIY projects for your Habitat Food Forest.  See you tomorrow.


Dec 042012
Tony’s last conversation with Monica Mannequin.

First a video  re “Planting Salvia spathacea next to Monica Manzanita Mannequin 2 of 2”,  then some  pics of “Monica Manzanita  Mannequin animal habitat installation” (below the video):

Planting Salvia spathacea next to Monica Manzanita Mannequin 2 of 2 (video):

Monica Manzanita  Mannequin animal habitat installation and planting Salvia spathacea (pics):

The west end of Cacti Caverns is cleared of lavarock.  The west end of Cacti Caverns is cleared of lavarock.  The “Monica” (species name) manzanita (Spanish for “little apple”) shrub will be planted on top of Cacti Caverns’ terra cotta flat roofing tiles.


The lower tile is slide under the top tile.The lower tile is slide under the top tile to make room for Monica Manzanita Mannequin animal habitat.   Poor quality soil (high percentage of adobe clay) is removed to make room for planting (better quality) soil.


Tony’s last conversation with Monica Mannequin.  Tony’s last conversation with Monica Mannequin.   Note the wavy wood grain, identifying the mass as a tree root burl.  The “nose”,  or upright projection (Hey, work with me here!), is the base of the trunk, which starts out a straight grain.


Monica Manzanita threaded through Mannequin.  Monica Manzanita threaded through Mannequin.   Soon critters will inhabit the inside vaulted ceilings and come and go through Mannequin’s crevices.   A pole planted next to MMM serves as a handhold while traversing the walk path.


Monica manzanita a month after being planted.Monica manzanita a month after being planted.  Looks happy to me!  Not over watering is probably the biggest challenge this manzanita shrub will offer here in California,  where it is a native plant.


Monica manzanita 2 months after planting. After two healthy months, the typically very slowly growing shrub looks to be establishing itself.  Grape Overpass is sporting bunches of green grapes that will ripen in a couple of months.


Hummingbird sage (Salvia spathacea) planted next to Monica Manzanita Mannequin habitat.Hummingbird sage (Salvia spathacea) planted next to Monica Manzanita Mannequin habitat.   The salvia, like the manzanita, is also a native plant that will thrive in the dry hydrozone garden bed.


Both hummingbird sage (Salvia spathacea) next to Monica Manzanita Mannequin habitat.Both hummingbird sage (Salvia spathacea) pose for a photo op next to Monica Manzanita Mannequin habitat.  The critters will be happy!, especially in years to come when the manzanita tree canopies its undergrowth of hummingbird sage.

Happy animal habitat installations.  See you tomorrow.



Nov 302012
Shallot stalk, “Do you like my (oak leaf) hat?”

First a video  re “Planting Garlic”,  then some  pics of “Young Garlic Plants AND  Leaf Mulch” (below the video):

Planting Garlic 6 of 6 (video):

Young Garlic Plants AND  Leaf Mulch (pics):


Rows of young garlic and yellow onion sprouts.

Rows of young garlic and yellow onion sprouts. The shallots, planted in the foreground soil (next to the collard), have yet to sprout – the best for last!


Garlic, yellow onion, shallots, and collard veggie bed along the sidewalk.

Garlic, yellow onion, shallots, and collard veggie bed along the sidewalk. Sure beats a lawn! Note the light covering of oak leaves as mulch, a good erosion protection from the winter rains.


Tree collard cuttings 3 weeks after propagation.

Tree collard cuttings 3 weeks after propagation. Some cuttings have been chewed down by snails or slugs, but others are going to thrive past that onslaught of Nature. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Plant enough cuttings to confuse the confounders! And, some of the collard cuttings will make it.


Shallot stalk, “Do you like my (oak leaf) hat?”

Shallot stalk, “Do you like my (oak leaf) hat?”


Cleaning up the sidewalk gives me plenty of rich, partially broken down leaves.

Rains are coming, so I fetched some sidewalk leaves to mulch the garlic/onion/shallots/collard veggie bed with. Cleaning up the sidewalk gives me plenty of rich, partially broken down leaves. The leaves were also used to extend the veggie bed in Tipped Wine Barrel (see blog entry next week?).


Garlic harvest from our sidewalk garden.

Garlic harvest from our sidewalk garden – Straw Bale Recliner Veggie Bed. Note how the garlic was rinsed to remove soil from the roots. The rack (a discarded baker’s tray) will allow the garlic to dry. Nice job, Frau Glory!


Happy mulching your veggie bed with leaves.  See you tomorrow.



Nov 292012
Straw Bale Recliner Veggie Bed planted with garlic, yellow onion, and shallots.

First a video  re “Planting Garlic”,  then some  pics of “Garlic, Yellow Onions, and Shallots Planting Completed” (below the video):

Planting Garlic 5 of 6 (video):

Garlic, Yellow Onions, and Shallots Planting Completed (pics):


Straw Bale Recliner Veggie Bed planted with garlic, yellow onion, and shallots.

Straw Bale Recliner Veggie Bed planted with garlic, yellow onion, and shallots. The dark red dust is blood meal, an attempt to keep local cats from using the unmulched soil as a litter box.


A raccoon paw print IN THE BLOOD MEAL!

A raccoon paw print IN THE BLOOD MEAL! The raccoon walked over the bed the first night of the planted crop. Well at least the soil does not look torn up by animals digging deeper in the soil or by cats using the veggie box as a litter box.


Happy planting garlic, onions, and shallots.  See you tomorrow.



Nov 292012
A bucket is used to break apart garlic bulbs into individual gloves.

First a video  re “Planting Garlic”,  then some  pics of “Garlic Bulbs Dusted with Spore” (below the video):

Planting Garlic 4 of 6 (video):

“Garlic Bulbs Dusted with Spore (pics):


A bucket is used to break apart garlic bulbs into individual gloves.

A bucket is used to break apart garlic bulbs into individual gloves that will be planted. The garlic papers will be strewn on top of the planting bed’s soil for mulch and nutrition.


Garlic cloves are moistened with water to thinly coat with mycorrhizal spore.

Garlic cloves are moistened with water to thinly coat with mycorrhizal spore.


Happy planting garlic, onions, and shallots.  See you tomorrow.



Nov 282012
Tree collard cuttings left to thrive in water till planted SOON!

First a video  re “Planting Garlic”,  then some  pics of Tree Collard Planting (below the video):

Planting Garlic 3 of 6 (video):

Tree Collard Planting (pics):

Full grown tree collard (left of Fuji apple tree).

The tree collard cuttings to be planted next to our sidewalk garlic bed came from this full grown tree collard. We harvest collard leaves to eat; the stalks leftover become cuttings to be propagated.


Tree collard cuttings to be propagated.

Tree collard cuttings to be propagated. Draw a line between the pruners and the leather sheath – that’s the expected soil line for the cuttings.


Tree collard cuttings left to thrive in water till planted SOON!

Tree collard cuttings left to thrive in water till planted SOON! The bucket contained rainwater and fallen leaves, a rich organic soup for the cuttings. Bacteria, fungi, and microbes in the water? Absolutely! And perhaps that’s a good thing. When I find out I’ll get back to you.

For more of Tony’s blog entries on tree collard, see:







Happy planting garlic, onions, and shallots AND planting tree collard.  See you tomorrow.
